The NYC TV Festival is dedicated to promoting real talent in the creative industry, including actors, writers, directors, producers, and musicians. We stand for equality, mutual respect, and integration without boundaries.

We also invite Israeli creators to submit their best TV shows for consideration.

The NYC TV Festival cordially invites all creative individuals from Israel to join us in commemorating a Special Day on November 20, 2024, dedicated to honoring the Victims of the Atrocity perpetrated by the terrorist group HAMAS on October 7, 2023, as well as the Israeli soldiers who bravely defend their homeland against HAMAS, while safeguarding their right to live peacefully in their ancestral land.

We will be screening the new and upcoming TV Show Passed you On Pico with its creators, Chloe Traicos & Evan Blank.

The Jewish community has made significant contributions to American and global creativity, boasting talented musicians such as Irving Berlin, (GOD BLESS AMERICA) George and Ira Gershwin, and Barbara Streisand, among others, who have left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.

From iconic comedians like Mel Brooks, Larry David, Woody Allen, Jerry Seinfeld, Seth Rogen, Albert Brooks, to esteemed actors like Richard Dreyfuss, the Jewish writers and performers have enriched the world with their humor and talent, deserving of recognition and honor. Let us come together to pay tribute to their legacy and show our solidarity with Israel in the face of adversity.

We need your support to honor the Victims of

October 7, 2023, & to Stand with Israel

This event has the support of:

The new upcoming TV Show “Passed you On Pico”

their creators, writers Chloe Traicos & Evan Blank and their talented cast

Contact us

Cell 917-767- 4952 - WhatsApp

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